Prof. Dr. med. dent Klaus Pieper
Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Phone: +49 6421 61123
- Phone mobile: +49 1715470990
- Email: profpieper@t-online.de
- or pieperk@staff.uni-marburg.de
University Education
Dr. med. habil. / Centre for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, Georg-August-University, Göttingen
MD, Georg-August-University, Göttingen
Study of Dentistry, Georg-August-University, Göttingen
Employment History / Professional Activities
Implementation and management of the joint MSc Program Pediatric Dentistry (in cooperation with Justus-Liebig University Gießen)
Professor and head of the Department of Paediatric and Community Dentistry, Philipps-University Marburg
Professor (C2), Department of Operative Dentistry, Georg-August-University
Assistent Professor (C1), Department of Operative Dentistry, Georg-August-University
Dentist and Research Associate at the Department of Operative Dentistry, Georg-August-University
Research Interests
Prevention, epidemiology, cariology, clinical studies, data documentation and processing, diagnostic methods, caries management, development and implementation of questionnaires for surveys with a focus on nutrition and preventive measures applied at home as well as in kindergartens and schools, fear of dental treatment, oral rehabilitation in handicapped persons, molar incisor hypoplasia.
Selected Publications
- (1) Pieper K, Dirks B, Kessler P (1986): Caries, oral hygiene and periodontal disease in handicapped adults. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 14, 28-30.
- (2) Pieper K, Born C, Hartmann T, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Jablonski-Momeni A (2007): Association of preventive measures with caries experience expressed by outcome variables. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed, 117, 1038-1044. O
- (3) Momeni A, Hartmann T, Born C, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Pieper K (2007).: Association of caries experience in adolescents with different preventive measures. Int J Pub Health, 52, 393-401.
- (4) Jablonski-Momeni A, Stachniss V, Ricketts DNJ, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Pieper K (2008): Reproducibility and accuracy of the ICDAS-II for detection of occlusal caries in vitro. Caries Res, 42, 79-87.
- (5) Pieper K, Weber K, Margraf-Stiksrud J, Stein S, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Jablonski-Momeni A (2012): Evaluation of an intensified preventive program aiming at 6-12-year olds with increased caries risk. Journal of Public Health 20:151. DOI 10.1007/s10389-011-0483-6.
- (6) Pieper, K., Dressler, S., Heinzel-Gutenbrunner, M., Neuhäuser, A., Krecker, M., Wunderlich, K., Jablonski-Momeni, A. (2012): The influence of social status on pre-school children’s eating habits, caries experience and caries prevention behavior. Int J Pub Health, 57, 207-215, DOI 10.1007/s00038-011-0291-3.
- (7) Pieper K, Lange J, Jablonski-Momeni A, Schulte AG (2013): Caries prevalence in 12-year-old children from Germany: results f the 2009 national survey.Community Dent Health 30, 138-142.
- (8) Pieper K, Winter J, Krutisch M, Völkner-Stetefeld P, Jablonski-Momeni, A (2016): Prevention in kindergartens with 500 ppm fluoride toothpaste-a randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig 20(6):1159-64. doi: 10.1007/s00784-015-1604-3. Epub 2015 Sep 23.
- (9) Schmidt, P.; Schulte, A.G.; Margraf-Stiksrud, J.; Heinzel-Gutenbrunner, M.; Pieper, K. (2022): Children’s and Parents’ Marburg Sugar Index (MSI) Values: Are They Comparable? Nutrients 14,1630. https://doi.org/10.3390/ nu14081630
Research Gate
For a full overview of my publication achievements, visit Researchgate.
It can be accessed via the link
Scientific Awards
2010-10-13: Wrigley Award
2011-03-30: Hufeland Award
2011-11-04: Awarded the Tholuck Medal